Welcome to Cashmore Park
Terminal Sheep | Maternal Sheep | Nudie Sheep | Twinner Cattle
About Us
Cashmore Park is situated at Cashmore , 10 km west of Portland in Western Victoria in a variable 830 mm rainfall zone. The 1700 Ha property encompasses a broad range of soil types, from wind swept ocean facing hills, deep acid sands, sandy loams and wet, black clay river flats. This proves to be an excellent testing ground for seedstock sheep as only the best performers can handle the high stocking rates and challenging environmental conditions.
The property carries in excess of 20,000 dry sheep equivalents with a 95/5% sheep cattle ratio and is well developed with 120 paddocks, extensive laneways and large under cover sheep handling facilities.
Pastures comprise a mix of the perennial grasses, rye, phalaris, cocksfoot and clovers, white and sub that are fertilised annually.
The Cashmore Park business is run by John and Brigita Keiller , with two full time employees and casuals during peak times at lambing and lamb marking in the busy August to October period.
Why Us?
Cashmore Park are suppliers of high quality seedstock and commercial sheep that other farmers then use to produce lamb meat meals. We strives to produce outstanding $ delivering rams and ewes that increase the amounts of product that meet your market specifications while reducing their cost of production .
Our Maternal sheep are clear industry leaders with 550 1.5 year old ram sale animals being in the National top 5 percentile band each year.
Our Cashmore Nudies flock is the only southern wool shedding stud to performance record sizable numbers each year.
Our Terminals are highly ranked and selected in an environment that allows efficient sheep to come to the fore.
We are committed to performance recording a large amount of animals annually, assessing them for phenotype, physical structure , and supplying them in a healthy, timely manner.
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