Late August each year is calving time for 6 weeks and we have 19 cows and heifers pregnancy tested in calf with twins and 55 with singles for the 2017 calving.
The Twinners are in a paddock closer to the yards and we have been checking them twice a day much as you would first calf heifers.
There seems to be three different "counting behaviors" in cows with twins.
The first is a cows that keeps both calves together.
The second is a cow that has them apart but continually walks the paddock checking both.
The third is a cows that lets them get apart but forgets to count and rejects one.
If near a yard, laneway or spare paddock we run the 3rd type of cow into it for a few day to mother calves well.
Post calving a few smart calves learn to multiple suckle as cows seem to readily accept the extra attention.